Parasita: Solidarity with D. and Th. who are being prosecuted for the anti-hunting action in Euboea

Republished from a counterinformation website.

“Solidarity with D. and Th. who are being prosecuted for the anti-hunting action in Euboea

With regard to the upcoming trial in the case of the defendents who intervened in the prevention of the murder of non human animals by a hunter in Euboea two years ago see (, we feel the need to voice our unreserved support for these persecuted individuals, and to stress once again that in this dismal world we occupy we have no choice but to fight for the absolute freedom of human and non human animals. We won’t go into the details of the incident as it is documented clearly here ( by the involved individuals, but what interests us more is to point out the act of resistance against the hunter, which is not only just but also necessary.

Globally hunting constitutes a dispicable activity through which countless non human animals are murdered. Even so officially and to a large extent in society it is considered and catagorised as a “sport” and treated as such. The reason is simply because as in all sports in it’s participation the individual draws pleasure from this, an act which for them is legitimately ethical. This legitimacy is based on speciesism, in other words on doctrine that allows us to view animals as inferior entities and as a resource for our use to eat or exploit in the production of wealth, for entertainment or in the context of some “sports” and much more. Based on this doctrine the non human animals have no independent value but are viewed purely as a commodity that is meant solely as usable asset. Having this perspective of animals there is no doubt why many end up murdering them and if hunting is considered a sport it can only be a sport of murderers.

Setting aside the lawful and social construct of hunting as a sport, another justification expressed is that it is done as a means for hunters to feed themselves. They support that hunting constitutes a more “natural” way of obtaining food comparing to buying dead flesh from super markets and meat markets. However, except for the fact that for most of them their diet is not entirely based on hunting, they seem to forget that their hyper-modern weapons which most of them use are coming from a well-established international trade market, which of course is based upon an equally huge production system for all the necessary for their construction metals. Similar conditions are true also for the additional equipment that plenty of them use in hunting, such as the special cameras that detect animals’ movements even at night, as well as the devices which imitate animals’ voices in order to attract them. In any case, it is widely known that human’s nutritional needs can be completely covered by non-animal products, so either with shotguns or with bows and narrows, real dilemma does not exist. What exists, though, is nothing more than an effort to a brutal practice exercised on animals for the pleasure of worthless bipods with a use of totally feeble and hypocritical excuses.

At the same time hunting is used for commercial purposes as in the sale of non human animals to third parties as well as to organizations of oppression such as circuses, zoos and pet shops where they are sold alive after being captured and taken from their natural habitat during hunting. Similarly, hunter believing that they are superior from the non-human animals and that they belong to them, they behave as their owners and after they kidnap them they use them as commodities for economical profit. Their actions moreover constitute the first stage in a life-chain for the animals which is completely stripped of their freedom and consists solely of captivity, brutality and torture.

The belief of the hunters that non human animals are inferior to them, that they are not living subjects and thus, they have no inherent value reminds us bygone times when slaves were considered a inferior human and were equated to other non-human animals and treated much like them, that is, with their bosses marked them, castrated them and kept them chained. What we must not overlook, though, is the fact that this degrading use of slaves mimicked the already established practice exercised by humans on animals, which were the first to be treated like that, exactly because they were regarded as an “inferior form of life” made for every kind of exploitation.

Modern civilization putting human being and its needs in the center of everything, brings as in a situation to face an inconvenient truth, that this civilization is constructed based on the slaughter of non human animals. The realization that its foundation is mostly based on this brutality enforced on these creatures, but also on the nature that generally surround us, leaves us no choice but to oppose this culture and it’s values. Today especially the exploitation of non-human animals has reached extreme levels and the examples are endless, hunting and fishing for example -which themselves support a huge production of the relevant equipment- and of course the meat, dairy, egg, fur and fish industries as well as the circuses, zoos, wildlife trade, animal testing for cosmetics, pharmacy, detergents, poisons and many more.

All forms of exploitation of non human animals are totally disgusting to us and we will never stop fighting until they stop. We therefore stand in solidarity with any act that prevents hunters , fishermen and other animal murderers and torturers of carrying out their plans, and we will put forward the total liberation fights for a world that will understand and be sensitive to everyone’s needs, be they human or non-human animals.

We support the call of the open antispeceisist assembly which has been scheduled for Wednesday 27.1.2021 at FEPA and will be focused on organizing actions for solidarity to the antispeceisists D. and Th.




PARASITA – Anarchical Collective for the Total Liberation